
The Gambler’s Fallacy in Casino Games

The gambler’s fallacy is a dangerous cognitive bias that causes individuals to believe they will soon win again after experiencing repeated losses, particularly in casino games like blackjack, roulette, or…

How Casinos Affect Physical Health – A Review of the Research

Potenza noted that research indicates gambling does not cause health issues for most gamblers. He further mentioned studies which demonstrated people with gambling disorders tend to produce more stress chemicals…

A Comparative Study of Casino Revenue Models

Traditional casinos can compete with online gaming by providing immersive entertainment experiences, luxurious amenities and personalized service to attract a diverse audience seeking unforgettable experiences. Traditional casino advertising strategies like…

The Rise of Live Dealer Casino Games

Live dealer casino games employ real dealers in real-time to shuffle and deal cards, spin the roulette wheel, and roll two dice – an authentic experience which attracts players. But…


Inside the World of High-Stakes Roulette – Tales From the Table

Nearly 250 years after it was first introduced, roulette remains the most fascinating casino game. Situating the purest form of chance against the shrewdest of betting strategies, it has given…

