How Casinos Affect Physical Health – A Review of the Research

Potenza noted that research indicates gambling does not cause health issues for most gamblers. He further mentioned studies which demonstrated people with gambling disorders tend to produce more stress chemicals in their blood than non-gamblers.

The authors of this study used Covidence software to analyse 147 studies. They identified three pathways by which casinos may impact health:

1. Increased Risk of Problem Gambling

Problem gambling, an addiction to betting and risk taking that causes emotional and financial strain, relationship difficulties and substance use issues, is more prevalent among individuals from lower socioeconomic statuses – specifically men and young adults.

Casino workers may be at increased risk for burns as they often handle hot food or liquids over 155 degrees Fahrenheit, in addition to potentially being exposed to second-hand smoke which can have serious health implications.

Studies have revealed that significant others of gamblers experience greater psychological and interpersonal harm, including theft from family or illicit lending practices. Furthermore, they experience more fear about losing their jobs as well as less control over their financial situations than counterparts without gambling partners.

2. Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease, also known as cardiovascuular illness (CVD), refers to any condition which affects the heart or blood vessels (veins and arteries). Cardiovascular diseases are the leading non-communicable illness worldwide, accounting for more deaths than any other non-communicable condition due to coronary heart attacks and strokes that often accompany CVD.

Casinos’ effects on cardiovascular health are complex; participants reported both positive and negative consequences. Positive pathways identified included job creation for tribal members, increased per capita payments and altering built environments to facilitate healthier food access. Unfortunately, higher disposable incomes were perceived to increase unhealthy behaviors like alcohol and drug abuse while shifting social environments can erode traditional values and community cohesion.

3. Increased Risk of Diabetes

Diabetes can lead to various health complications. For instance, nerve damage in your feet and legs can lead to pain, tingling or numbness as well as making blood flow harder to your skin, increasing sores or infections and raising your risk for high blood pressure and cholesterol, increasing heart disease risks.

Our research revealed that higher fat intake was related to higher PG-YBOCS urge scores and lower HAM-A scores (all reported with Bonferroni correction), yet did not correlate with dollars lost to gambling, alcohol consumption per week, or presence of mental disorders. Our results suggest that differences in gambling-related dietary habits may mediate these relationships – however more research must be conducted to test this theory.

4. Increased Risk of Mental Health Problems

People suffering from mental health conditions are at an increased risk for gambling problems, often as an attempt to cope with anxiety or other emotional difficulties. Without treatment for their issues, gambling behavior may spiral out of control and lead to financial hardship as well as neglecting work and family responsibilities, creating tension within relationships.

Gambling has also been linked to several psychological disorders, including depression and suicidal thoughts. If you or a loved one is contemplating suicide, it’s crucial that they seek immediate medical or mental health help immediately.

5. Increased Risk of Dementia

Researchers have discovered that people suffering from FTD, an early form of dementia, are more prone to gambling issues. FTD causes the degeneration of certain areas of the brain which can impact impulse control and judgment – leading to gambling addiction as well as behavioral changes such as drug dependency.

Gambling warnings aimed at seniors in casinos are important because senior gamblers can become vulnerable to problem gambling due to loneliness, extra spending money and medication that affects judgement. Furthermore, pride or ego can influence these individuals to gamble for large sums and keep playing even after having lost significant sums of cash.

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